Friday, March 22, 2013

Fucktoy Friday

We have officially declared every Friday Fucktoy Friday, and what happens on Fucktoy Friday varies from week to week. There have been a few things put into place that remain the same week to week:

1. Before Fucktoy goes to work, I write "Fuck Toy" using a facepaint crayon across her stomach.
2. Fucktoy must perform one minute of Kegel exercises at the top of every hour and when done, text me a message that says "I have exercised your pussy for you Sir."
3. Fucktoy must get permission from me prior to using the bathroom.

I am hoping to get to a point where Fucktoy wears her butt plug while at work but the butt plug has not been working so far as it keeps falling out, so more time needs to be spent getting acclimated to it.

Today I threw in something new and this morning over my cup of coffee at the kitchen counter, I created a Fucktoy Friday Survey on Surveymonkey for her to fill out. I didn't spend as much time on it as I would have liked as I wanted to get it quickly done before I took the three year old to preschool.

Fucktoy just completed it about an hour ago, and I actually found her responses to be informative. I also realized that this could be a pretty good communication tool to get candid responses from her in the future...granted, she has to give me candid answers no matter how I communicate to her (verbally, text, etc) but I think this method is even better.

You can check out the survey here:

I plan on, in the next few days, to create a separate survey for followers of this for subs and one for get feedback on your lifestyle. I'm an inquisitive person like that.

More to come....

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